During our latest event the audience made some powerful pledges, all of which we have grouped together in this article.
- Find out people’s names and use them
- Share film in a targeted way to change perceptions
- Be kinder to people struggling financially who contact my workplace
- Make time!
- Do some voluntary work with the homeless
- I would broadcast the film to anyone who will watch
- I am now more aware of homelessness and will try to take action
- Feeling more confident to speak to homeless people and be more understanding
- Reach out to people who are homeless especially at Christmas. Actively look to help
- Take time to listen
- Take time to speak to and listen to rough sleepers
- Find out where people are living and what they do for a living
- Well everything about the film was so hard and frustrating for them
- To not be afraid of homeless people
- Woke me up and made me learn new things
- I will keep working hard to challenge inequality
- Go to work
- I will smile more and never ignore people who are homeless
- Work through your fear and anxiety and brighten up someone’s day
- I will be more vocal when I hear people describe homelessness as a choice
- Promote more of what our services do
- Person centred
- Hold people accountable
- Promote the film and suggest options for change or ask others what action they will take
- Speak with homeless not about them. Being homeless but also about other topics have a positive chat we are all human
- Deliver the message of empathy throughout my meetings
- Use my ‘rich’ contacts to help open shelters
- Sit and eat with a person who is homeless
- Time and dedication
- Tell my 26 year old friends about it, and my 8 year old niece
- Challenge our politicians! Grass root change is not enough!!
- Made me reflect on what else I can do from the simplest of things – talking about the issues to people affected
- Volunteer at a food bank
- Speak directly to people I see on the street – I’ve sometimes felt that they wouldn’t want me to talk to them more consciously
- Sometimes it is alright to close and open empathy. But people sometimes don’t think. What if you become homeless?
- We need to learn to shut our mouths and just LISTEN
- Never just walk by and teach my children the importance of why!
- Stop passing by
- Volunteer at a local hostel
- Stop selling our council housing
- Share the film, share the website, share the song
- Being the voice of living experiences
- Give people choice on how I can help
- I’m going to talk to people outside my local Spar and find out who they are and what their hopes are
- Vote
- Ask people what they need and want